1st Edition

The Enlightenment in America, 1720-1825 Vol 3

By Jose R Torre Copyright 2008
    280 Pages
    by Routledge

    Aims to modify the periodization for the American Enlightenment. Americans did accept an early and moderate Enlightenment characterised by the work of Locke and Newton. This collection highlights the functional nature of the Enlightenment in America.

    Volume 3: Moral Philosophy Religion Introduction Moral Philosophy Benevolence, Sympathy, Pathos and Feeling DeWitt Clinton, An Oration, on Benevolence, Delivered before the Society of Black Friars, in the City of New-York, at their Anniversary Festival, on the 10th November 1794 (1795) [Anon.], ‘Remarker, No. 29’, Monthly Anthology and Boston Review ( January 1808) [Anon.], ‘Remarker, No. 30’, Monthly Anthology and Boston Review (February 1808) [Anon.], ‘Remarker, No. 31’, Monthly Anthology and Boston Review (March 1808) [H. Holley], ‘On the Pleasure Derived from Witnessing Scenes of Distress’, North American Review (November 1815) Debates on A Theory of Moral Sentiments ‘Analyticus’, [‘By the celebrated Adam Smith, sympathy has been supposed to exist in a power of the imagination …’], PortFolio ( January 1809) [Anon.], ‘Man Constitutionally Moral’, PortFolio (October 1809) [Anon.], ‘Man Constitutionally Moral (Concluded)’, PortFolio (November 1809) Analyticus, ‘Sympathy’, PortFolio (December 1809) Moral and Common Sense [Anon.], Review of Philosophical Essays by Dugald Stewart, Christian Observer (September 1812) [Anon.], Review of Philosophical Essays by Dugald Stewart (Contunued), Christian Observer (October 1812) Religion Supernatural Rationalism Ebenezer Gay, Natural Religion, as Distinguished from Revealed (1759) Andrew Eliot, A Discourse on Natural Religion (1771) Radical Religion ‘A Natural Man’, A Sermon on Natural Religion [1771] [Anon.], A Dialogue between A— and B—, on a Subject of the Last Importance. – Think for Yourselves (1779) John Leland, The Rights of Conscience Inalienable, and Therefore Religious Opinions Not Cognizable by Law (1791) [Elihu Palmer], The Examiners Examined: Being a Defence of the Age of Reason (1794) Hosea Ballou, Divine Benevolence Further Vindicated (1816) Editorial Notes


    Jose R Torre