1st Edition

The European Green Deal in Education

    256 Pages 36 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    This book shares real-life case studies taken from GreenSCENT, a three-year EU-funded project that promotes sustainability through the development of digital platforms and tools, green education programme, and climate and environmental literacy certification.


    To date there has been little work published on the application of the European Green Deal in educational programmes and, while environmental education is very dynamic at present, this area has received scant attention. Seeking to remedy this critical omission, this book represents the first application of the Green Deal topics in the classroom. It examines environmental education from an academic perspective, looking specifically at the development of digital tools used to promote sustainability and provides recommendations for their practical application. The authors also discuss ways to engage larger and more diverse audiences (children, young people and adults across socio-economic, cultural and ethnic backgrounds) on the topic of sustainability through such activities as air quality monitoring, climathons and youth assemblies.


    Highlighting factors including inclusivity, accessible design and responsible research and innovation, this volume will be of great interest to students and scholars of European environmental policy and environmental education.




    Introduction: Sarah Anne McDonagh, Alessandro Caforio and Alessandro Pollini.


    Part 1 - Theoretical and methodological approaches


    Chapter 1: Environmental Education - Loukas Katikas and Sofoklis Sotiriou.


    Chapter 2: GreenSCENT Competency Framework - Andrea Tomassi, Andrea Falegnami, Linda Meleo, and Elpidio Romano.


    Chapter 3: User Stories, motivation for behavioural change and educational challenges - Gian Andrea Giacobone, Alessandro Pollini and Alessandro Caforio.


    Chapter 4: Design research for regeneration and care - Alessandro Pollini and Gian Andrea Giacobone.


    Chapter 5:  Sustainability for all: The importance of implementing EU accessibility policies in the Green Deal - Pilar Orero.


    Chapter 6:  Responsible Research and Innovation: Looking for answers - Mattias Friis Jørgensen, Nina Wessberg, Maria Akerman, Zarrin Fatima, and Teuvo Uusitalo.


    Part 2 - Experiences and demonstrators


    Chapter 7: Digital demonstrators development - Alessandra Aurelio and Vladimiro Scotto Di Carlo.


    Chapter 8: Youth Assemblies: Youth engagement for green learning and action - Mattias Friis Jørgensen, Ditte Maria Burmeister, Sif Juhl Jacobsen and Ida Skov Nielsen.


    Chapter 9: Climathon - Manfred Mudelsee, Uglješa Stankov, Biljana Basarin and Miroslav Vujičić.


    Chapter 10: Development of air pollution app - Diana Urquiza.


    Chapter 11: Testing air quality with school children - Lorena Banyuls and Jaume Targa.


    Part 3 - Recommendations, legacy and resilience


    Chapter 12: School environmental education best practices (Living Lab - Whole school approach) - Loukas Katikas and Sofoklis Sotiriou.


    Chapter 13: GreenSCENT Competency Framework in application: A knowledge graph for visual exploration - Andrea Tomassi, Elpidio Romano, and Andrea Falegnami.


    Chapter 14: Accessibility in the context of the European Green Deal: Lessons from the GreenSCENT project - Sarah Anne McDonagh.


    Chapter 15: Assessing the impact of the GreenSCENT project - Zarrin Fatima, Teuvo Uusitalo, and Jyri Hanski.




    Sarah Anne McDonagh is a postdoctoral researcher at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain) in the TransMedia Catalonia lab. Sarah’s research focuses on media accessibility, specifically access to cultural heritage and sustainability. She has authored several articles on media accessibility. She has previously worked as a research assistant on the Accessible Culture and Training (ACT) Project and been involved in the development of accessible media content for the Prisons Memory Archive in Northern Ireland.


    Alessandro Caforio is Director of Research and Innovation at International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, coordinating the design and management of research projects focused on learning technologies, social inclusion and social innovation, ICT-enabled accessibility in higher and professional education. He has been involved and managed European projects in the Lifelong Learning, Creative Europe, Erasmus+ and Horizon programs. He is furthermore Contract Professor for "Psychotechnologies and Learning processes" and "Digital Technologies and cognitive processes" courses (Faculty of Psychology and Faculty of Communication Science, BA degrees).


    Alessandro Pollini, PhD, is a researcher in Industrial Design with a background in interaction design, human-computer interaction and cognitive ergonomics. During his career he has developed an interdisciplinary practice by structuring the design activity in multiple areas, from user research, ergonomics and cognitive sciences; to the theories and methods of digital product design and software engineering. His focus is on the design of interactive and relational products and services and on the functional, formal and use implementation of technology, dealing with the holistic, distributed, embodied and situational nature of people's experience.