1st Edition

The Foundations of Price Theory Vol 4

By Pascal Bridel Copyright 2002
    346 Pages
    by Routledge

    Price theory has always been and still is at the heart of economic theory. Concentrating on the primary literature, this set brings together texts of the many and often conflicting intelectual endeavours to solve this difficult economic issue.

    Volume 4 Part VII: Partial Equilibrium Analysis, Utility and Costs (continued) ‘On the Theory of the Budget of the Consumer’ (1915) ‘A Reconsideration of the Theory of Value’ (1934) Selection from Value and Capital (1939) ‘A Note on the Pure Theory of Consumer’s Behaviour’ (1938) Selection from Theory of Games and Economic Behavior (1944) ‘The Utility Analysis of Choices Involving Risk’ (1948) ‘The Laws of Returns Under Competitive Conditions’ (1926) ‘Cost Curves and Supply Curves’ (1931)‘The Nature of the Firm’ (1937) ‘Stability in Competition’ (1929) Selections from The Economics of Imperfect Competition (1933) Selection from Theory of Monopolistic Competition (1933) Selection from Theory of Games and Economic Behavior (1944) ‘Equilibrium Points in N-Person Games’ (1950) ‘Non-Cooperative Games’ (1951)


    Pascal Bridel