1st Edition

The Foundations of the American Economy Vol 1 The American Colonies from Inception to Independence

    384 Pages
    by Routledge

    This collection brings together a comprehensive selection of documents from the history of US and Canadian economic thought from the seventeenth century through to 1900.

    VOLUME I From Theocracy to Secular Materialist Commercial Society General: Introduction From the Seventeenth Century to 1888 Introduction The Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries (to 1776) John Smith, excerpts from A Description of New England (1616) John Winthrop, A Modell of Christian Charity (1630) John Cotton, God)s Promise to his Plantations (1634) John Cotton, A Discourse about Civil Government in A New Plantation (1663) Roger Williams, excerpts from The Bloudy Tenet) of Persecution (1644) John Cotton, excerpts from The Bloudy Tenenty Washed) And Made White in the Bloud of the Lambe (1647) Thomas Rooker, excerpts from A Survey of the Summe Of Church-Discipline (1648) William Penn, A Brief Account of the Province of Pennsylvania (1681) William Penn, A Further Account of the Province of Pennsylvania (1685) William Penn, excerpts from A Perswasive to Moderation (1686) Samuel Wilson, An Account of the Province of Carolina In America (1682) Thomas Budd, Good Order Established in Pennsylvania And New-jersey in America (1685) excerpts from A Discourse Concerning the Maintenance) Due to those that Preach the Gospel (1709) Benjamin Franklin. excerpt from [Autobiography J The Lift Of Dr. Benjamin Franklin. Written by himself (1794) Benjamin Franklin, Letter to Ezra Stiles (1888 [1790])


    Edited by Marianne Johnson, Steven G. Medema, Warren J. Samuels