1st Edition

The Foundations of the American Economy Vol 5 The American Colonies from Inception to Independence

    458 Pages
    by Routledge

    This collection brings together a comprehensive selection of documents from the history of US and Canadian economic thought from the seventeenth century through to 1900.

    VOLUME V Mercantilism and Colonialism, Part 2: Richard Bland, An Enquiry into the Rights of British Colonies (1769) Benjamin Franklin, The interest if Great Britain considered (1760) Benjamin Franklin, The causes of present distractions in America explained (1774) Benjamin Franklin or George Whatley, Reflections on the principle of Trade in General (1769) Association of the Merchants of Boston, Observations on Several Acts of Parliament (1769) Jonathan Boucher, A letter from a Virginian (1774) Jonathan Boucher, excerpts from a View of the causes and consequences of the American Revolution (1797) Thomas Pownall, excerpt from The Administration of the Colonies (1765) Thomas Pownall, A Letter from Governor Pownall to Adam Smith (1776) John Taylor, excerpt from Tyranny Unmasked (1775), Index


    Edited by Marianne Johnson, Steven G. Medema, Warren J. Samuels