1st Edition

The Gambia Colony and Protectorate An Official Handbook

By Francis Bisset Archer Copyright 1967
    372 Pages
    by Routledge

    372 Pages
    by Routledge

    The Gambia Colony and Protectorate (1967) provides both a history of the colony and a wealth of valuable practical and statistical information about its establishment and running. It provides a clear insight into the way that Britain’s colonies were governed and administered.

    Part 1. The History and Development of the Gambia  1. From the Earliest Records to the Founding of Bathurst  2. From 1820 to 1852  3. From 1852 to 1865  4. From 1865 to 1904  Part 2. Particulars of the Districts under the Travelling Commissioners  5. The Districts under the Travelling Commissioners  Part 3. The Colony During the Past Decade  6. The Colony During the Past Decade  Part 4. Returns as to the Various Districts in the Gambia Protectorate  7. Returns  Part 5. The Chief Enactments in Force for the Government and Administration of the Colony and Protectorate  8. The Chief Gambian Enactments  Part 6. Particulars of the Direct Marches Throughout the Gambia Protectorate, and a Return of Chiefs Receiving Stipends  9. Direct Marches and Chiefs’ Stipends  Part 7. An English-Mandingo Dictionary of Some Eight Hundred Words and Phrases in Common Use  10. The Dictionary  Part 8. Personnel of Imperial and Colonial Departments Concerned in the Government and Administration of the Gambia; Service Regulations; General Information as to Colonial Appointments; Financial and other Details as to the Colony and its Institutions; Fiscal Arrangements; Local Directory


    Clive Bisset Archer