1st Edition

The Giants of Asia India, Pakistan, China, Japan

By Stephen Hugh-Jones Copyright 1967
    132 Pages
    by Routledge

    First published in 1967, The Giants of Asia discusses the growth of Asian nationalism and Asian power. It surveys the major Asian countries and the three major forms that Asian nationalism has taken: constitutional democracy in India and initially in Pakistan, the pre-war militarism of Japan, and nationalist communism in China. The author discusses the problems of unity and government after the withdrawal of European power. He has been extraordinarily successful in conveying unfamiliar ideas concretely and simply – in surveying this vast unfamiliar field with simple clarity. This book will be of interest to students and researchers of politics, history, and Asian studies.

    1. Europe and Asia  2. The Religions of India  3. The British in India 4. The Indian Freedom Movement  5. Gandhi: Politician, Reformer, Saint  6. Congress against Britain  7. The Road to Pakistan  8. China and the Europeans  9. The Rise of the Kuomintang  10. Japan seizes an Empire  11. War in China  12. The Second World War begins  13. Japan loses the War  14. India and Pakistan  15. The Communist Victory in China  16. How the Communists changed China  17. Changes in China: 1949–1957 18. China and the World: 1949–1957  19. The Kuomintang in Formosa  20. Politics in Free India  21. Politics in Pakistan  22. Escape from Poverty  23. Foreign Aid  24. India, Pakistan and the World  25. China against its Neighbours  26. India and Pakistan go to War  27. On with the Revolution  28. Japan under American Occupation  29. The New Japan  30. Past and Future


    Stephen Hugh-Jones worked in the foreign department of The Economist, specializing in Asian affairs. He studied at Oxford and was formerly Foreign Editor of the Indian Express.