1st Edition

The Heart of the Bible Volume Three: The Literature of the New Testament

By Jeannie B. Thomson Davies Copyright 1933
    254 Pages
    by Routledge

    Originally published in 1933, from the volume one preface: “The aim of this particular venture is to present the writings now collected in the volume called the Bible in an order approaching that in which they came into being. The hope is that a considerable amount of both the Old and New Testaments may be read in a fresh setting, so that questions about inconsistencies in the Bible, or about its varying levels of morality, or about its uneven value for religious education can no longer be fired as poison darts to attack its life and influence…. This is an attempt to combine reading the Bible with learning to understand it.” Of particular relevance to those interested in religious studies, today it can be read in its historical context.

    This book is a re-issue originally published in 1933. The language used and views portrayed are a reflection of its era and no offence is meant by the Publishers to any reader by this re-publication.

    1. The First Century of the Christian Era  2. The Beginnings of New Testament Literature  3. More Letters of the New Testament  4. A New Development in Literature: The First Gospel  5. Later Literature of the Persecution  6. The Latest Literature of the New Testament.  Index.


    Jeannie B. Thomson Davies

    Review for the original editions:

    “This sound and simple historical and literary introduction to the Bible is a joy to the reader and a fine instrument for the teacher. At the same time it is an anthology excellently chosen for the purposes of study as well as for those of aesthetic enjoyment and spiritual edification. … Each volume has a completeness of its own, but every school library, and indeed every library, public or private, should possess all three.” – Religion in Education (now British Journal of Religious Education)