1st Edition

The History of Actuarial Science Vol IV

Edited By Steven Haberman, Trevor A. Sibbett Copyright 1996
    250 Pages
    by Routledge

    A book which covers the key period in the history of actuarial science from the mid-17th century to the early 19th century. There are reprints of the most important treatises, pamphlets, tables and writings which trace the development of the actuarial industry.

    Vol. IV Part Two: 1. 1772 William Dale, Calculations deduced from First Principles 2. 1777 William Dale, Supplement to Calculations of the Value of Annuities 13. 1785 Johannes Nikolaus Tetens, Introduction to the Calculation of Life Annuities 4. 1785 Johannes Nikolaus Tetens, On the Tetens Mortality Curve 5. 1810 Francis Baily, The Doctrine of Life-Annuities and Assurances 6. 1825 Griffith Davies, Tables of Life Contingencies 7. 1843 David Jones, On the Value of Annuities and Reversionary Payments 8. 1859 Augustus de Morgan, On a Property of M. Gompertz's Law of Mortality 9. 1863 August Zillmer, Contributions to the theory of Premium Reserves for Life Insurance Companies 10. 1869 Karl Hattendorf, The Risk with Life Assurance 11. 1869 Wesley Stoker Barker Woolhouse, On an Improved Theory of Annuities and Assurances 12. 1889 Pederson Gram, Standard Deviation in the Value of Life Assurances 13. 1898 George King et al., The Universal Notation 14. 1905 George James Lidstone, Changes in Pure Premium Policy-Values 15. 1910 Pederson Gram, Professor Thiele as Actuary


    Edited by Steven Haberman, Trevor A. Sibbett