1st Edition

The History of Actuarial Science Vol VII

Edited By Steven Haberman, Trevor A. Sibbett Copyright 1996
    288 Pages
    by Routledge

    A book which covers the key period in the history of actuarial science from the mid-17th century to the early 19th century. There are reprints of the most important treatises, pamphlets, tables and writings which trace the development of the actuarial industry.

    Vol. VII: 1 1698 John Castaing, The Course of the Exchange and Other Things 2 1731 Stephen Daubuz, Broker's List of Stock Prices 3 1863 Arthur Hutcheson Bailey, On the Principles on which the Funds of Life Assurance Societies should be Invested 4 1900 Louis Bachelier, Theory of Speculation 5 1909 D. P. Moll, On the Effect of a Rise, or Fall, in Market Values of Securities on the Financial Position and Reserves of a Life Office 6 1747 Corbyn Morris, An Essay towards illustrating the Science of Insurance 7 1859 Carl B. Bremiker, On the Risk attaching to the Grant of Life Assurances 8 1909 Filip Lundberg, On the Theory of Reinsurance 9 1914 Albert H. Mowbray, How Extensive a Payroll Exposure is necessary to give a dependable Pure Premium 10 1917 Albert W. Whitney, The Theory of Experience Rating


    Edited by Steven Haberman, Trevor A. Sibbett