1st Edition

The History of Banking I, 1650-1850 Vol III

By Forrest H Capie Copyright 1994
    248 Pages
    by Routledge

    This edition brings together the most important English language tracts and pamphlets and other material on the origins and development of private banking, joint stock banking, central banking and other important related questions.

    1. 1695 Settlement of the Land-Bank, 2. c. 1695 Proposal for a National Bank, 3. 1695 Proposal for a Bank of Secure Current Credit, 4. 1695 Reasons for the Establishment of the National Land-Bank, 5. c. 1695 Scheme or Proposals for a National Land-Bank, 6. 1700 Proposals recommending the Establishing a Land-Credit, 7. 1673-4 Proposal whereby His Majesty may raise and extend His Credit to the Annual Value of the Revenue without Interest or Damage, 8. 1695 Account of the Banks, Lotteries &c tending to the Destruction of Trade and Commerce, 9. 1706 Act to secure Fund for Circulating Exchequer Bills, 10. 1710 Essay upon Pub lick Credit, 11. 1721 Proposals for Restoring Credit


    Forrest H Capie