1st Edition

The History of Banking I, 1650-1850 Vol IX

By Forrest H Capie Copyright 1994
    448 Pages
    by Routledge

    This edition brings together the most important English language tracts and pamphlets and other material on the origins and development of private banking, joint stock banking, central banking and other important related questions.

    1. 1825 Encouragement of the Establishment of Banks for Savings in England, 2. 1833 Advantages of the Proposed National Bank of England, 3. 1833 Practice of Banking in Scotland and England, 4. 1833 Settlement of the Charter of the Bank of England, 5. 1836 Report from the Secret Committee on Joint Stock Banks, 6. 1840 Report from Select Committee on Banks of Issue with the Evidence of J. H. Palmer, 7. 1840 Defence of Joint-Stock Banks, 8. 1837 Cause of the Present Money Crisis Explained, 9. 1840 Philosophy of Joint Stock Banking


    Forrest H Capie