1st Edition

The History of Banking I, 1650-1850 Vol VII

By Forrest H Capie Copyright 1994
    496 Pages
    by Routledge

    This edition brings together the most important English language tracts and pamphlets and other material on the origins and development of private banking, joint stock banking, central banking and other important related questions.

    1. 1797 The Establishment of Another Public Bank in London, 2. 1797 History of the Bank of England, 3. 1804 Defence of the Conduct of the Directors of the Banks of England and Ireland, 4. 1826 The Effect of the Issues of the Bank of England upon its own Interests, Public Credit and Country Banks, 5. 1832 Renewal of the Bank Charter, 6. 1832 Report from the Committee of Secrecy on the Bank of England Charter, 7. 1833 Examination of the Bank Charter Question, 8. 1838 A National Bank. The Remedy for the Evils attendant upon our Present System of Paper Currency, 9. 1844 Act to regulate the Issue of Bank Notes, 10. 1844 Thoughts on the Separation of the Departments of the Bank of England, 11. 1847 Relaxing the Bank Act, 12. 1847 The Bank of England Justified in their Present Course


    Forrest H Capie