1st Edition

The History of Banking II, 1844-1959 Vol 6

By Duncan M Ross Copyright 1998
    288 Pages
    by Routledge

    The role of banks and banking systems in facilitating and shaping the pattern of economic growth has been much explored in an attempt to understand differing levels of economic success in industrializing and mature economies. This is a collection of contributions to the understanding of this role.

    VOLUME VI Reserves and Elasticity: 27 Extracts from Lombard Street (1873) Walter Bagehot 28 Speech to Leeds Incorporated Chamber of Commerce (1891) 29 An extract from Papers on Current Finance (1918) 30 The social importance of banking (1911) 31 English banking: its development and some practical problems it has to solve (1914) 32 Do we want an elastic currency? (1896) 33 The bank note issue of the proposed federal reserve banks (1913-14) 34 What is wrong with our banking and currency system? (1911) 35 The Chicago plan of banking reform: a proposal for making monetary management effective in the United States (1934-35) 36 The 100 percent reserve plan (1936)


    Duncan M Ross