1st Edition

The History of Banking II, 1844-1959 Vol 9

By Duncan M Ross Copyright 1998
    312 Pages
    by Routledge

    The role of banks and banking systems in facilitating and shaping the pattern of economic growth has been much explored in an attempt to understand differing levels of economic success in industrializing and mature economies. This is a collection of contributions to the understanding of this role.

    VOLUME IX The Emergence of the Federal Reserve System: 52 Annual Report on the State of the Finances (1873) 53 The Treasury and the banks under Secretary Shaw (1907) 54 The Aldrich-Vreeland Act (1908) 55 The banking and currency problem and its solution (1910-11)56 The proposal for a central bank in the United States: a critical view (1909) 57 A united reserve bank of the United States (1910-11) 58 Principles that must underlie monetary reform in the United States (1913-14) 59 Control of credit through the reserve system (1930) 60 Tenth Annual Report of the Federal Reserve Board, Covering Operations for the Year 1923 (1923)


    Duncan M Ross