1st Edition

The History of Corporate Governance Vol 3 The Importance of Stakeholder Activism

By Robert E Wright Copyright 2004
    450 Pages
    by Routledge

    This volume offers a selection of texts drawn from the archives on the subject of corporate governance in England and America covering the period 1836–1846. It focuses on the mechanisms that stakeholders use to ensure that their investments are properly used.

    1. Shropshire Banking Company, The Shropshire Banking Company (1836) 2. J. Swanwick, ‘Why have you Left the Bank of Manchester?’ (1837) 3. Charles Sigourney, To the Stockholders of the Phoenix Bank (1837) 4. Preventing Abuses in Life Assurance Offices and Joint Stock Banks (1837) 5. West Virginia Iron Mining and Manufacturing Company, Prospectus of the West Virginia Iron Mining and Manufacturing Company (1837) 6. Halifax Gas-Light and Water Company, Report of the Committee Appointed by the Stockholders of the Gas-Light and Water Company (1840) 7. New Hampshire, Several Acts of Incorporation and By-Laws of the Great Falls Manufacturing Company (1841) 8. John Reid, Manual of the Scottish Stocks and British Funds (1842) 9. Philadelphia and Reading Rail Road Company (1846)


    Edited by Robert E. Wright, Wray Barber, Matthew Crafton, Anand Jain