1st Edition

The History of Financial Disasters, 1763-1995 Vol 1

    380 Pages
    by Routledge

    Looks at the origins and consequences of seminal financial crises throughout history, combining contemporary texts from nineteen financial disasters between 1763 and 1994, with academic interpretations of the major causes and consequences of each crisis. These documents contain evaluations of the underlying causes of the various crises.

    Volume 1 General Introduction, Introduction 1. The European Financial Crisis of 1763 2. The European Financial Crisis of 1772–3 3. The Assignat Inflation during the French Revolution, 1789–97 4. The Crisis of the Second Bank of the United States, 1818–19 5. The London Crisis of 1825 6. The Panic of 1837 in the United States 7. The British Railway Mania of 1847


    Mark Duckenfield, Stefan Altorfer, Benedikt Koehler