1st Edition

The History of Insurance Vol 6

By David Jenkins, Takau Yoneyama Copyright 2000
    302 Pages
    by Routledge

    This set gathers together key writings which chart the formative years of insurance and reviews important stages in the history of the subject from contemporary perspectives.

    Volume 6 LIFE Frederick Hendricks, ‘Memoir of the early History of Auxiliary Tables for the Computation of Life Contingencies’ (1850) John Augustus Beaumont, A Few Lines to the Managers of the Life Insurance Societies of the United Kingdom suggesting a remedy for the doubts and difficulties attendant upon the business of life insurance (1852) Samuel Brown, Defects in the Practice of Life Assurance and Suggestions for their Remedy (1848) Samuel Brown, ‘On the Sufficiency of the existing Companies for the Business of Life Assurance; with a List of the Companies at the end of 1852, their Guaranteed and Paid-up Share Capital, &c. (1854) W. Hannam, A Gift to the Uninsured: 30 short replies to 30 common objections (1857) Jonathon Cox, How to make a fortune! Adapted to all Classes of the Community. An Essay on Life Assurance (1857) Samuel Brown, ‘On the Investments of the Funds of Assurance Companies’ (1858) Arthur Hutcheson Bailey, ‘On the Principles on which the Funds of Life Assurance Societies should be Invested’ (1862) Samuel Brown, ‘Sketch of the recent Progress of the Assurance of Life and Property on the Continent’ (1851) Cornelius Walford, ‘History of Life Assurance in the United Kingdom’ (1885-7)


    David Jenkins, Takau Yoneyama