1st Edition

The History of Old Age in England, 1600-1800, Part II vol 8

    478 Pages
    by Routledge

    What did it mean to be old in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century England? This eight-volume edition brings together selections from medical treatises, sermons, legal documents, parish records, almshouse accounts, private letters, diaries and ballads, to investigate cultural and medical understanding of old age in pre-industrial England.

    Volume 8 Personal Narratives of Ageing; Introduction Lady Isabella Wentworth, Selected Letters (1705–9) George Boddington, Commonplace and Memorandum Book (1684–1705) Sarah Savage, Devotional Journal (1714–38) Elias Ashmole, Memoirs of the Life of that Learned Antiquary, Elias Ashmole, Esq. (1717) Joseph Williams, Extracts f om the Diary, Meditations and Letters of Mr. Joseph Williams of Kidderminster (1783) Peter Oliver Jnr, Diary (1791–1821) [William T omson], Memoirs of the Life and Gallant Exploits of the Old Highlander, Serjeant Donald Macleod (1791) Memoirs of Miss Hannah Ball, ed. Joseph Cole (1796) Cornelius Ashworth, Daily Journal (1815–16) Editorial Notes Bibliography Index


    Lynn Botelho, Susannah R Ottaway, Anne Kugler