1st Edition

The History of the Company, Part I Vol 2 Development of the Business Corporation, 1700-1914

    406 Pages
    by Routledge

    Exploring the changing economic, social and political role of the Anglo-American firm, this two-part collection of rare texts covers the period 1700-1850. Each part features an introduction which provides an overview of the development of the British and American business corporation in their respective periods and places it in its wider contexts.

    Volume 2: Structure [Edward Vernon], Considerations upon the White Herring and Cod Fisheries (1749) A Caution to the Directors of the East India Company, with regard to their making the Midsummer Dividend of Five per Cent. (1767) [James Barlow], An Address to the Shareholders of the Gas-Light and Coke Company, on the Financial Accounts of that Corporation (1825) Richard Cort, A Letter to the Shareholders of the British Iron Company, showing the Past and Present Losses of the Speculation (1826) Peter Watt, The Theory and Practice of Joint-Stock Banking (1836) Jonathan Knight and Benjamin H. Latrobe, Report upon the Locomotive Engines (1838) Andrew Meek, Observations on the Government of Joint Stock Banks in England (1841) [J. W. Gilbart], The Moral and Religious Duties of Public Companies (1846)


    Robin Pearson, James Taylor, Mark Freeman