1st Edition

The History of the Company, Part I Vol 3 Development of the Business Corporation, 1700-1914

    446 Pages
    by Routledge

    Exploring the changing economic, social and political role of the Anglo-American firm, this two-part collection of rare texts covers the period 1700-1850. Each part features an introduction which provides an overview of the development of the British and American business corporation in their respective periods and places it in its wider contexts.

    Volume 3: Strategy, Rules and Regulations adopted by the Fire Insurance Companies in the City of New-York (1821) John Taylor, Statements respecting the Profi ts of Mining in England considered in relation to the Prospects of Mining in Mexico (1825) Sir William Rawson, The Present Operations and Future Prospects of the Mexican Mine Associations Analysed, 2nd edn (1825) Frederick G. Smith, Practical Remarks on the Present State of Fire Insurance Business (1832) Charles Fenn, A Compendium of the English and Foreign Funds, and the principal Joint Stock Companies (1837) George Kinnear, A History of the Rise of Exchange Companies in Scotland; and a Defence of their Proper Business, 3rd edn (1848) James Brown, Observations on Mr Kinnear’s ‘History of the Rise of Exchange Companies in Scotland’ (1848)


    Robin Pearson, James Taylor, Mark Freeman