1st Edition

The History of the Company, Part II vol 7 Development of the Business Corporation, 1700-1914

    488 Pages
    by Routledge

    Explores the changing economic, social and political role of the Anglo-American firm. Focusing on its formative development between the later 17th and the early 20th centuries, the editors bring together a collection which employs selected documents and analytical commentary to illustrate the external role of the firm and public perceptions of it.

    Volume 7: Strategy, Shareholders’ Key to the London and North Western Railway Company (1853) Manhattan Fire Insurance Company, Instructions for the Agents of the Manhattan Fire Insurance Company (1859) New York Board of Fire Underwriters, Report concerning Foreign Insurance Companies. Adopted September 21, 1870 (1870) Proceedings of the Committee on Manufactures of the US House of Representatives in Relation to Trusts (1888) T. H. Farrer, ‘Equalisation of Railway Rates’ (1882) William E. Chandler, New Hampshire’s Enslavement by the Free Passes, the Ale and Rum and the Corruption Money of the Railroads (1891) Henry Howell Putnam, Discriminating Taxation (1898) Edward Sherwood Meade, ‘The Capitalization of the International Mercantile Marine Company’ (1904) Benjamin Howarth Thwaite, The American Invasion; or England’s Commercial Danger and the Triumphal Progress of the United States (1902) Report of the Committee appointed by the Conference of Counsel for Railroad Companies (1908) American Telegraph and Telephone Company, The Greatest Telephone System in the World as an Investment (1909) US Department of Commerce and Labour, Bureau of Corporations, ‘History of the Foreign Interests of the Tobacco Combination’ (1909) The Menace to Business of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act (1910) New York Chamber of Commerce, Resolutions adopted February 19, 1914, in Regard to Proposed anti Trust Legislation (1914)


    Robin Pearson, James Taylor, Mark Freeman