1st Edition

The History of the Rochdale Pioneers

By George Jacob Holyoake Copyright 1893
    212 Pages
    by Routledge

    211 Pages
    by Routledge

    First published in 1893, this tenth edition of The History of the Rochdale Pioneers, is an example of the nineteenth-century tradition of self-help manuals. It describes the origins and the development of the Rochdale Equitable Pioneers Society, the problems faced by the Rochdale Pioneers through economically tough times and how the collective were able to overcome these difficulties.

    This book will be of interest to those studying the history of social welfare, class and economics, as well as the Co-operative Movement.

    Part I: 1844-57; 1. The First Efforts and the Kind of people who made them 2. Appointment of a Deputation to Masters - Great Debate in the Flannel Weavers’ Parliament 3. The Doffers Appear at the Opening Day – Moral Buying as well as Moral Selling 4. The Society Tried by Two Well-Known Difficulties – Prejudice and Sectarianism 5. Enemies Within and Enemies Without, and how they were Conquered 6. The Great Flour Mill Panic 7. Successive Steps of Success – The Rochdale Store on a Saturday Night 8. Anecdotes of the Members – The Working Class Stand by the Store and they ‘Know the Reason Why’ 9. Rules and Aims of the Society 10. The Old Co-operators – Why They Failed. The New Co-operators – Why they Succeed 11. An Illustrative Chapter 12. An Old Pioneer’s Account of the Origin of the Store; Part II – 1857-78; 13. The Weavers’ Dream 14. The Famous Twenty-Eight 15. Legal Impediments to Economy 16. Querulous Outsiders 17. Four Dangerous Years 18. Halting on the Way 19. Story of the Corn Mill 20. Origin of the ‘Wholesale’ 21. Co-operative Administration 22. The Branch Store Agitation 23. Other Characteristics of the Rochdale Pioneers 24. Contests for Principle 25. Dead Pioneers; Part III: 1982; 26. The Rochdale Congress of 1892


    George Jacob Holyoake