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The Human Factors, Simulation and Performance Assessment Series

About the Series

Ongoing advances in lower-cost technologies are supporting a substantive growth worldwide in the use of simulation and naturalistic performance assessment methods for research, training and operational purposes in domains such as road, rail, aviation, mining and healthcare. However, this has not been accompanied by a similar growth in the expertise required to develop and use such systems for evaluating human performance. Whether for research or practitioner purposes, many of the challenges in assessing operator performance, both using simulation and in natural environments, are common. What performance measures should be used, what technology can support the collection of these measures across the different designs, how can other methods and performance measures be integrated to complement objective data, how should behaviours be coded and the performance standards measured and defined? How can these approaches be used to support product development and training, and how can performance within these complex systems be validated? This series addresses a shortfall in knowledge and expertise by providing a unique and dedicated forum for researchers and experienced users of simulation and field-based assessment methods to share practical experiences and knowledge in sufficient depth to facilitate delivery of practical guidance.

5 Series Titles

Per Page

Driving Automation A Human Factors Perspective

Driving Automation: A Human Factors Perspective

1st Edition

By Mark S. Young, Neville A. Stanton
March 10, 2023

The technology behind self-driving cars is being heavily promulgated as the solution to a variety of transport problems including safety, congestion, and impact on the environment. This text examines the key role that human factors plays in driving forward future vehicle automation in a way that ...

Distributed Situation Awareness in Road Transport Theory, Measurement, and Application to Intersection Design

Distributed Situation Awareness in Road Transport: Theory, Measurement, and Application to Intersection Design

1st Edition

By Paul M. Salmon, Gemma Read, Guy H. Walker, Michael G. Lenné, Neville A. Stanton
November 07, 2018

How can we design transport environments that cater to the situation awareness needs of different end-users? This book answers this question by showcasing how state-of-the-art human factors theory and methods can be used to understand how situation awareness differs across drivers, cyclists, ...

Increasing Motorcycle Conspicuity Design and Assessment of Interventions to Enhance Rider Safety

Increasing Motorcycle Conspicuity: Design and Assessment of Interventions to Enhance Rider Safety

1st Edition

By Lars Rößger, Michael G. Lenné
November 06, 2017

It’s a widely recognised trend that powered-two-wheelers' (PTWs) use has been steadily increasing and is projected to increase further. While providing benefits to the community in the form of reduced traffic congestion and environmental benefits, the risks to PTW riders remain and visibility will ...

Integrating Human Factors Methods and Systems Thinking for Transport Analysis and Design

Integrating Human Factors Methods and Systems Thinking for Transport Analysis and Design

1st Edition

By Gemma J. M. Read, Vanessa Beanland, Michael G. Lenné, Neville A. Stanton, Paul Salmon
July 10, 2017

Governments and road safety agencies around the world have either introduced or are considering 'safe system' strategies, a long overdue acknowledgement that different elements of the road system contribute to road safety outcomes. Human factors approaches have a leading role here in both ...

Simulators for Transportation Human Factors Research and Practice

Simulators for Transportation Human Factors: Research and Practice

1st Edition

Edited By Mark S. Young, Michael G. Lenné
June 28, 2017

Simulation continues to be a growth area in transportation human factors. From empirical studies in the laboratory to the latest training techniques in the field, simulators offer myriad benefits for the experimenter and the practitioner. This book draws together current trends in research and ...

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