1st Edition

The Journals and Diaries of E M Forster Vol 3

By Philip Gardner Copyright 2011
    318 Pages
    by Routledge

    A writer of fiction, literary criticism, travel narratives and libretti, E M Forster is best known for his beautifully-structured novels which held a mirror up to the English class system. This fascinating collection of diaries, travel journals and itineraries brings together all unpublished material Forster wrote which can be classed as ‘memoir’.

    Volume 3 Stisted (1910) Belfast Journal (1912) ‘Incidents of War’ Memoir, Alexandria (1915–17) Journal (1925) Africa Journal (1929) French Itinerary (1931) America Journal (1947 and 1949) Journal (1950) Journal (1952) Travel Journal, France (1953) Travel Journal, Portugal (1953) Loose Diary Pages (1954 and 1955) Trip to France (1955) Hellenic Cruise (1956) Trip to Austria (1957) Journal (1958) ‘Trip to Italy’ Diary (possibly 1962) Journal (1964) ‘West Hackhurst: A Surrey Ramble’, Index


    Philip Gardner