342 Pages
    by Routledge

    Originally published in 1958, this book gives a concise account of the canonical prophets, viewed in the light of modern scholarship. After introductory chapters on the prophetic literature, the historical background and the latest archaeological discoveries of the prophetic period, the rise of prophecy and the forms and characteristics of Hebrew poetry the book deals in detail with the canonical prophets themselves, giving a sketch of the life and work of each, delineating their character, and estimating their influence on the development of religion. They are revealed as outstanding personalities, forming a most remarkable group of religious teachers. The book will be of interest not only to theological students, but also to the clergy and teachers.

    1.The Prophetic Literature 2. The Historical Background 3. Archaeology and the Prophetic Period 4. The Prophets 5. The Forms and Characteristics of Hebrew Poetry 6. Amos 7. Hosea 8. Micah 9. Isaiah i-xxxix 10. Zephaniah 11. Nahum 12. Habakkuk 13. Jeremiah 14. Ezekiel 15. Isaiah xl-lv 16. Haggai 17. Zecharia i-viii 18. Isaiah lvi-lxvi 19. Obadiah 20. Malachi 21. Joel 22. Jonah 23. Zecharia ix-xiv.


    T. Henshaw

    Original Review of The Latter Prophets:

    ‘The best kind of popular presentation of Biblical scholarship…’ British Weekly.