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The Macat Library: Great Works for Critical Thinking

About the Series

Making the ideas of the world’s great thinkers accessible, affordable, and comprehensible to everybody, everywhere. 

With a growing list of over 180 titles across a broad range of subject areas, Macat works with leading academics from the world’s top universities to produce new analyses that focus on the ideas and the impact of the most influential works ever written. By setting them in context – and looking at the influences that shaped their authors, as well as the responses they provoked – Macat encourages readers to look at these classics and game-changers with fresh eyes.

220 Series Titles

Per Page

An Analysis of John Maynard Keyne's The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money

An Analysis of John Maynard Keyne's The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money

1st Edition

By John Collins
August 08, 2017

John Maynard Keynes’s 1936 General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money is a perfect example of the global power of critical thinking. A radical reconsideration of some of the founding principles and accepted axioms of classical economics at the time, it provoked a revolution in economic ...

An Analysis of John P. Kotter's Leading Change

An Analysis of John P. Kotter's Leading Change

1st Edition

By Yaamina Salman, Nick Broten
August 08, 2017

John P. Kotter’s Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail is a classic of business literature, and an example of high-level analysis and evaluation. In critical thinking, analysis is all about the sequence and features of arguments. When combined with evaluation of the strengths and ...

An Analysis of John Stuart Mill's On Liberty

An Analysis of John Stuart Mill's On Liberty

1st Edition

By Ashleigh Campi, Lindsay Scorgie-Porter
August 08, 2017

In his wonderfully clear and cogent essay On Liberty, Mill contends that individuals should be as free as possible from interference by government. Proposing that individual fulfilment is the surest route to collective happiness, he argues passionately against the "tyranny of the majority," and ...

An Analysis of John W. Dower's War Without Mercy Race And Power In The Pacific War

An Analysis of John W. Dower's War Without Mercy: Race And Power In The Pacific War

1st Edition

By Vincent Sanchez, Jason Xidias
August 08, 2017

John Dower’s War Without Mercy is an attempt to resolve the problem of why the United States fought World War II so very differently in the Pacific and European theaters. Specifically, the author sets out to explain why there was such vicious hostility between the US and Japan during the conflict. ...

An Analysis of Karl Marx's Capital

An Analysis of Karl Marx's Capital

1st Edition

By Macat Team
August 08, 2017

A critical analysis of Karl Marx’s Capital, which is without question one of the most influential books to be published in the course of the past two centuries. Controversial in its politics, and arriving at conclusions that are passionately debated to this day, it is nonetheless a fine ...

An Analysis of Keith Thomas's Religion and the Decline of Magic

An Analysis of Keith Thomas's Religion and the Decline of Magic

1st Edition

By Simon Young, Helen Killick
August 08, 2017

Keith Thomas's classic study of all forms of popular belief has been influential for so long now that it is difficult to remember how revolutionary it seemed when it first appeared. By publishing Religion and the Decline of Magic, Thomas became the first serious scholar to attempt to synthesize ...

An Analysis of Mahbub ul Haq's Reflections on Human Development

An Analysis of Mahbub ul Haq's Reflections on Human Development

1st Edition

By Riley Quinn
August 08, 2017

What is the ultimate goal of any human society? There have been many answers to this question. But by producing a series of notably well-structured arguments, economist Mahbub ul Haq’s Reflections on Human Development persuaded readers that the goal should be defined quite simply as the requirement...

An Analysis of Max Weber's Politics as a Vocation

An Analysis of Max Weber's Politics as a Vocation

1st Edition

By Tom McClean, Jason Xidias, William Brett
August 08, 2017

German sociologist Max Weber’s 1919 lecture Politics as a Vocation is widely regarded as a masterpiece of political theory and sociology. Its central strength lies in Weber’s deployment of masterful interpretative skills to power his discussion of modern politics. Interpretation involves ...

An Analysis of Michael R. Gottfredson and Travish Hirschi's A General Theory of Crime

An Analysis of Michael R. Gottfredson and Travish Hirschi's A General Theory of Crime

1st Edition

By William Jenkins
August 08, 2017

Michael R. Gottfredson and Travish Hirschi’s 1990 A General Theory of Crime is a classic text that helped reshape the discipline of criminology. It is also a testament to the powers of clear reasoning and interpretation. In critical thinking terms, reasoning is all about presenting a solid and ...

An Analysis of Plato's The Republic

An Analysis of Plato's The Republic

1st Edition

By James Orr
August 08, 2017

The Republic is Plato's most complete and incisive work – a detailed study of the problem of how best to ensure that justice exists in a real society, rather than as merely the product of an idealized philosophical construct. The work considers several competing definitions of justice, and looks ...

An Analysis of Rene Descartes's Meditations on First Philosophy

An Analysis of Rene Descartes's Meditations on First Philosophy

1st Edition

By Andreas Vrahimis
August 08, 2017

René Descartes’s 1641 Meditations on First Philosophy is a cornerstone of the history of western thought. One of the most important philosophical texts ever written, it is also a masterclass in the art of critical thinking – specifically when it comes to reasoning and interpretation. Descartes ...

An Analysis of Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein's Nudge Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth and Happiness

An Analysis of Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein's Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth and Happiness

1st Edition

By Mark Egan
August 08, 2017

When it was published in 2008, Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein’s Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and Happiness quickly became one of the most influential books in modern economics and politics. Within a short time, it had inspired whole government departments in the US and UK, and...

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