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The Macat Library: Great Works for Critical Thinking

About the Series

Making the ideas of the world’s great thinkers accessible, affordable, and comprehensible to everybody, everywhere. 

With a growing list of over 180 titles across a broad range of subject areas, Macat works with leading academics from the world’s top universities to produce new analyses that focus on the ideas and the impact of the most influential works ever written. By setting them in context – and looking at the influences that shaped their authors, as well as the responses they provoked – Macat encourages readers to look at these classics and game-changers with fresh eyes.

220 Series Titles

Per Page

An Analysis of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics

An Analysis of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics

1st Edition

By Giovanni Gellera
August 08, 2017

Aristotle, a student of Plato, wrote Nicomachean Ethics in 350 BCE, in a time of extraordinary intellectual development. Over two millennia later, his thorough exploration of virtue, reason, and the ultimate human good still forms the basis of the values at the heart of Western civilization. ...

An Analysis of Benedict Anderson's Imagined Communities

An Analysis of Benedict Anderson's Imagined Communities

1st Edition

By Jason Xidias
August 08, 2017

Benedict Anderson’s 1983 masterpiece Imagined Communities is a ground-breaking analysis of the origins and meanings of “nations” and “nationalism”. A book that helped reshape the field of nationalism studies, Imagined Communities also shows the critical thinking skills of interpretation and ...

An Analysis of Bernard Bailyn's The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution

An Analysis of Bernard Bailyn's The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution

1st Edition

By Joshua Specht, Etienne Stockland
August 08, 2017

Historians of the American Revolution had always seen the struggle for independence either as a conflict sparked by heavyweight ideology, or as a war between opposing social groups acting out of self-interest. In The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution, Bernard Bailyn begged to differ, ...

An Analysis of Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique

An Analysis of Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique

1st Edition

By Elizabeth Whitaker
August 08, 2017

Betty Friedan's book The Feminine Mystique is possibly the best-selling of all the titles analysed in the Macat library, and arguably one of the most important. Yet it was the product of an apparently minor, meaningless assignment. Undertaking to approach former classmates who had attended Smith ...

An Analysis of Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species

An Analysis of Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species

1st Edition

By Kathleen Bryson, Nadezda Josephine Msindai
August 08, 2017

Charles Darwin called on a broad and unusually powerful combination of critical thinking skills to create his wide-ranging explanation for biological change, On the Origin of Species. It’s one of those rare books that takes a huge problem – the enormous diversity of different species – and seeks ...

An Analysis of Charles P. Kindleberger's Manias, Panics, and Crashes A History of Financial Crises

An Analysis of Charles P. Kindleberger's Manias, Panics, and Crashes: A History of Financial Crises

1st Edition

By Nicholas Burton
August 08, 2017

Perhaps the most peculiar feature of a financial bubble – one that Charles Kindleberger's classic work Manias, Panics and Crashes draws particular attention to – is the inability of those trapped inside it to grasp the seriousness of their predicament. They know in principle that bubbles exist, and...

An Analysis of Daniel Jonah Goldhagen's Hitler's Willing Executioners Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust

An Analysis of Daniel Jonah Goldhagen's Hitler's Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust

1st Edition

By Simon Taylor, Tom Stammers
August 08, 2017

Daniel Goldhagen's study of the Holocaust offers conclusions that run directly counter to those reached by Christopher Browning, whose book Ordinary Men is also the subject of a Macat analysis. As such, the two analyses make possible some interesting critical thinking exercises focused on ...

An Analysis of Eric Foner's Reconstruction America's Unfinished Revolution 1863-1877

An Analysis of Eric Foner's Reconstruction: America's Unfinished Revolution 1863-1877

1st Edition

By Jason Xidias
August 08, 2017

‘Reconstruction’ is the name given to the period that, beginning shortly before the end of the American Civil War and running until 1877, saw the frustration of federal government's attempts to integrate the newly freed slaves into the American political and economic system. It ended in frustration...

An Analysis of Eugene Genovese's Roll, Jordan, Roll The World the Slaves Made

An Analysis of Eugene Genovese's Roll, Jordan, Roll: The World the Slaves Made

1st Edition

By Cheryl Hudson, Eva Namusoke
August 08, 2017

Most studies of slavery are underpinned by ideology and idealism. Eugene Genovese's ground-breaking book takes a stand against both these influences, arguing not only that all ideological history is bad history – a remarkable statement, coming from a self-professed Marxist – but also that slavery ...

An Analysis of Ferdinand de Saussure's Course in General Linguistics

An Analysis of Ferdinand de Saussure's Course in General Linguistics

1st Edition

By Laura Key, Brittany Pheiffer Noble
August 08, 2017

Ferdinand de Saussure’s Course in General Linguistics is one of the most influential texts of the 20th-century – an astonishing feat for what is, at heart, a series of deeply technical lectures about the structure of human languages. What the Course’s vast influence shows, fundamentally, is the ...

An Analysis of Franz Boas's Race, Language and Culture

An Analysis of Franz Boas's Race, Language and Culture

1st Edition

By Anna Seiferle-Valencia
August 08, 2017

Franz Boas’s 1940 Race, Language and Culture is a monumentally important text in the history of its discipline, collecting the articles and essays that helped make Boas known as the ‘father of American anthropology.’ An encapsulation of a career dedicated to fighting against the false theories of ...

An Analysis of Frederick Jackson Turner's The Significance of the Frontier in American History

An Analysis of Frederick Jackson Turner's The Significance of the Frontier in American History

1st Edition

By Joanna Dee Das, Joseph Tendler
August 08, 2017

Frederick Jackson Turner's 1893 essay on the history of the United States remains one of the most famous and influential works in the American canon. That is a testament to Turner's powers of creative synthesis; in a few short pages, he succeeded in redefining the way in which whole generations of...

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