1st Edition

The Making of the Soviet Citizen Character Formation and Civic Training in Soviet Education

Edited By George Avis Copyright 1987
    268 Pages
    by Routledge

    The Making of the Soviet Citizen (1987) examines the distinctive feature of Soviet education – the crucial importance it gives to the formation of a new type of person, the model socialist citizen. Success in this endeavour is regarded as essential for the creation of the material and spiritual bases of communism, and Soviet educational establishments accordingly devoted immense effort and resources to a programme of character building – vospitanie, moral, social and political development. This collection brings together the results of research devoted to character formation and civic training in Soviet education. The contributors present detailed analyses of the aims and methods of various major components of the vospitanie process and examine the development of their implementation.

    1. The New Soviet Child: Moral Education in Soviet Schools James Muckle  2. Recent Developments in Political Education in the Soviet Union John Morison  3. Atheistic Education in the USSR John Dunstan  4. Forming Socialist Attitudes Towards Work Among Soviet Schoolchildren Felicity O’Dell  5. Gender and Soviet Pedagogy Lynne Attwood  6. The Role of Youth Organisations in Communist Upbringing in the Soviet School Jim Riordan  7. Peace Education in the Soviet Union Wendy Rosslyn  8. Multicultural Education in the USSR Nigel Grant  9. Student Response to Communist Upbringing in Soviet Higher Education George Avis


    George Avis was at time of writing Senior Lecturer in Russian Studies at the University of Bradford.