1st Edition

The Metropolitan Poor Vol 4 Semifactual Accounts, 1795–1910

By John Marriott, Masaie Matsumura Copyright 2000
    374 Pages
    by Routledge

    This is a collection of primary materials on the metropolitan poor. It includes the writings of urban travellers and social reformers, and contains writings from the last five years of the 18th century, that is, from the time when the poor were first discovered as endemic to the nation.

    VOLUME 4 The soul of London, 1905-1908: Ford Madox Ford, Extracts from The soul of London (1905) C. F. G. Masterman, From the abyss (1905) B. Kennedy, Extracts from Slavery: pictures from the depths (1905) B. Kennedy, Extracts from The hunger line (1908). The million peopled city, 1815-1855: Extracts from Minutes of evidence taken before the Committee appointed by the House of Commons to inquire into the state of mendicity and vagrancy in the metropolis and its neighbourhood (1815) T. F. Buxton, Distress in Spitalfields (1816) B. Noel, Extracts from The state of the metropolis (1835) T. Beames, Extracts from Rookeries of London (1850) J. Garwood, Extracts from The million peopled city (1853) R. W. Vanderkiste, Extracts from Notes and narratives of a six years' mission, principally among the dens of London (1854)


    John Marriott, Masaie Matsumura