1st Edition

The Multiple Contexts Of Youth Development Ads V10#2

Edited By Richard M. Lerner, Celia B. Fisher Copyright 2006
    58 Pages
    by Psychology Press

    This is a special issue of Applied Developmental Science and includes articles on the multiple contexts of youth development.

    Articles: The Multiple Contexts of Youth Development: Implications for Theory, Research, and Practice; Observed Ecological Assets in Families, Schools, and Neighborhoods: Conceptualization, Measurement, and Relations With Positive and Negative Developmental Outcomes; A Longitudinal Examination of Family, Friend, and Media Influences on Competent Versus Problem Behaviors Among Urban Minority Youth; Youths' Caretaking of Their Adolescent Sisters' Children: Its Costs and Benefits for Youths' Development; The People They Know: Links Between Interpersonal Contexts and Adolescent Risky and Health-Promoting Behaviour; Understanding the Multiple Contexts of Adolescent Risky Behavior and Positive Development: Advances and Future Directions.


    Richard M. Lerner, Celia B. Fisher with guest editors Lise M. Youngblade (University of Florida) and Christina Theokas (Tufts University).