1st Edition

The Music of Spain

By Carl Van Vechten Copyright 1920

    First published in 1920, The Music of Spain deals with historical periods, schools and style and appears to embrace everything related to music provided it affects or is affected by Spain in some degree, no matter how small or insignificant.  The period extends from the sixteenth century to the early twentieth century and the author encircles his subject in a huge ring or parenthesis that opens with Antonio Cabezon, the Spanish Bach (according to Pedrell) and closes with the gypsy dancer and singer Pastora Imperio, queen of the Spanish “varieties” stage of today. It brings themes like Spain and music; the land of joy; and from George Borrow to Mary Garden. This book is an important historical reference for students and scholars of history of music, Spanish music.

    Preface Notes 1. Spain and Music 2. The Land of Joy 3. From George Borrow to Mary Garden Index


    Carl Van Vechten