1st Edition

The Naturalist on the River Amazons Volume I Scientific Travellers 1790–1877 Volume V

Edited By David Knight, Henry Walter Bates Copyright 2003

    The Naturalist on the River Amazons is a record of adventures, habits of animals, sketches of Brazilian and Indian life and aspect of nature under the Equator, during the author's eleven years of travel, in two volumes, this is the first.

    Volume I: Preface, Chapter I Para, Chapter II Para continued, Chapter III Para concludes, Chapter IV The Tocantins and the Cameta Chapter V Caripi and the Bay of Marajo Chapter VI The Lower Amazond- Para to Obydos Chapter VII The Lower Amazons- Obydos to Manaos or the Barra of the Rio Negro


    Henry Walter Bates, Edited by David Knight