1st Edition

The New Local Government System

By Peter G. Richards Copyright 1968

    Originally published in 1956, this book outlines the history of delegation in local government since the establishment of county councils in 1888. It describes the use made of delegation over a wide range of council services. The technique of delegation has become more important in recent years and represents the compromise of the competing claims of county and district councils to control local government. This book is an important contribution both to the detailed study of local administration and to the debate on the future pattern of local government.

    1.Introduction Through History 2. The Basis of the Present System 3. Central Control of Local Government 4. Finance 5. The Constitution of a Local Authority 6. Committees 7. The Quest for Efficiency 8. The Reorganization of Structure 9. Local Government and Society. Appendices: A: Distribution of Functions B: Local Authority Populations C: Representation on Outside Bodies: The Association of Municipal Corporations


    Peter G. Richards 

     Original Reviews of The New Local Government System:

    ‘Without doubt this is the best book of its kind currently available.’ Municipal Review

    ‘The treatment of the more controversial issues is particularly good…in short this is an excellent book; lucid, balanced, stimulating.’ Public Administration