1st Edition

The Origins of Britain

By Lloyd Laing Copyright 1980

    The Origins of Britain (1980) follows the path of man’s occupation of Britain from the scattered pockets of habitation in the earliest Palaeolithic period through to his growing domination of the landscape and his capacity to mould his environment evident in the late Bronze Age. Among the many subjects which the book discusses in detail are the extent of knowledge of astronomy and mathematics in Neolithic and Bronze Age Britain, and the extent to which the pattern of life in the Iron Age was already set by the end of the preceding Bronze Age.

    1. The Antiquaries – the Discovery of Britain before History  2. The Explorers – Man Challenges the Environment (Palaeolithic and Mesolithic)  3. The Revolutionaries – Man Tames the Environment (Neolithic)  4. The Thinkers – the First Steps to Civilization (Copper and Bronze Ages)


    Lloyd and Jennifer Laing