1st Edition

The Pamela Controversy Vol 2 Criticisms and Adaptations of Samuel Richardson's Pamela, 1740-1750

By Tom Keymer, Peter Sabor, John Mullan Copyright 2001
    406 Pages
    by Routledge

    This volume documents the literary controversy and debate over Samuel Richardson's novel, "Pamela", published in 1741. It brings together and reprints key sources within the debate, including artists such as Francis Hayman, Hubert Gravelot, Joseph Highmore and Philip Mercer.

    VOLUME 2 Prose criticism Visual representations Introduction to volume 2 PROSE CRITICISM Anon, Review of Pamela from History of the Work.r of the Learned (1740) Anon, Pamela Cen.rured (1741) Charles Povey, The Virgin in Eden (1741) Abbe Marquet (?), Lettre sur Pamela (1742) VISUAL REPRESENTATIONS John Carwitham, Engravings from The Life of Pamela (1741) Hubert Gravelot and Frances Hayman, Engravings from Samuel Richardson, Pamela, sixth edition (1742) Frances Hayman, 'Pamela Fleeing from Lady Davers' (~ 1741-2)Hubert Gravelot, 'Pamela and the Fortune-Teller' (1740s) Joseph Highmore, Engravings of scenes from Pamela (1745) Robert Peke, 'Pamela Andrews' (early 1740s) Philip Mercier, Three paintings of Pamela (c. 1745-50


    Tom Keymer, Peter Sabor, John Mullan