1st Edition

The Particle and Philosophy in Crisis Towards Mode of Information

By Anil Rajimwale Copyright 2023
    478 Pages 1 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    478 Pages 1 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    This book is a novel study on the way revolutions in science, technology and communication impact philosophy/world outlook including Marxism, society's future, mode of production, capitalism/socialism dichotomy, world economy, and trends like postmodernism and post-industrialism.

    It also deals with motion of and crisis created by the new concept of 'the particle' on human thought, philosophy and worldview. We ride the unprecedented scientific and technological revolution (STR) into the 'unlighted' extra-ordinary world of quantum motions. Human thought and being are shifting to and gathering speed along the time paradigm, rendering dialectics increasingly crucial, the book opines. Electronic technology, quantum discoveries and wave/particle duality as a wonder of nature have changed forever the way we look at 'the world', which stands redefined. Grounds of philosophy move away, creating epistemological crisis as we transit to a post-classical world. We now look at whole humanity from out in the space, and our dialectics and contradictions acquire new meaning. This self-transcendence can potentially free us of existing acute contradictions.

    Scientific literature and sources have then been creatively used in the book to take up the concepts of matter, idea, motion, time, space and dialectics. It is therefore a bold attempt to negate the existing philosophy by creatively developing a new scientific world outlook.



    Anil Rajimwale is an outstanding Marxist theoretician, known for deep studies and constant efforts to take theory to higher levels, and one of the very few in India to challenge the obsolete in existing thought and practice. He began his career as a student leader, acquiring wide range of practical experience, without giving up theoretical research. He has authored a wide range of books, articles, papers, booklets, reviews, project works etc on philosophy, ecology, politics, social sciences, history, political economy, Marxist theory and theory in general.