1st Edition

The Political and Economic Writings of Daniel Defoe Vol 1

    288 Pages
    by Routledge

    This collection gathers together a number of Daniel Defoe's non-fiction writings on political and economic issues. The selection is designed to reflect the numerous facets of Defoe's economic and political thought. Each of the eight volumes includes an introduction.

    Volume 1: Constitutional Theory, Introduction Some Reflections On a Pamphlet Lately Publish’d (1697) An Argument Shewing, That a Standing Army . . . Is not Inconsistent with a Free Government (1698) A Brief Reply to the History of Standing Armies (1698) The Original Power of the Collective Body of the People of England (1702) Some Remarks On the First Chapter in Dr Davenant’s Essays (1704) Memorandum to Robert Harley [1704] Reasons against the Succession of the House of Hanover (1713) And What if the Pretender should Come? (1713) An Answer to a Question That No Body thinks of (1713) From Defoe’s Review (September 1705–September 1710) Explanatory notes Textual notes


    W R Owens, P. N. Furbank, J.A. Downie, D.W. Hayton, John McVeagh