1st Edition

The Politics Of Mineral Resource Development In Antarctica Alternative Regimes For The Future

By William E Westermeyer Copyright 1984
    282 Pages
    by Routledge

    282 Pages
    by Routledge

    Originally published in 1984. Antarctica can no longer be considered merely a highly specialized area of interest to a relative handful of explorers and scientists. World political leaders who, in an era of resource politics, are looking to potential sources of supplies of living and non-living resources. Antarctica may prove to be a source of such supplies. In this volume, Dr. Westermeyer?€?s study of the options available for a mineral regime and probable costs comes at an opportune time, helping participants understand the issues and find acceptable solutions.

    Foreword -- Introduction -- A Review of Resource Allocation Problems in Antarctica -- Alternative Regimes for Antarctica -- The Use of Multi-Attribute Utility Analysis for Determining Regime Utilities -- Analysis Part I: The Components -- Analysis Part II: Findings -- The Antarctic Treaty -- Recommendation XI-1 Antarctic Mineral Resources -- Regime Summaries -- The Underlying Assumptions of Multi-Attribute Utility Analysis -- Questionnaire -- Country Tables -- Summary of Expert Response to Questionnaire


    William E Westermeyer, Institute for Marine and Coastal Studies at the University of Southern California.