1st Edition

The Politics of Broadcasting

Edited By Raymond Kuhn Copyright 1985

    The Politics of Broadcasting (1985) examines the state of broadcasting in a variety of Western democracies from a political viewpoint, written at a time when new telecommunications and information technology revolutionised television and radio. The book describes and analyses the problems faced by politicians and broadcasters in responding to these changing technological and political environments.

    1. Great Britain: The End of the Public Service Tradition? Ralph Negrine  2. France: The End of the Government Monopoly Raymond Kuhn  3. West Germany: The Search for the Way Forward Arthur Williams  4. Italy: The Advent of Private Broadcasting Don Sassoon  5. United States: A System of Minimal Regulation Muriel and Joel Cantor  6. Canada: Nation-Building Threatened by the US-Dominated Media? Richard Collins  7. Australia: Broadcasting in the Political Battle Richard Harding  8. Japan: Broadcasting in a New Democracy Michael Tracey


    Raymond Kuhn