1st Edition

The Price of TUC Leadership

By Bryn Roberts Copyright 1961
    148 Pages
    by Routledge

    The Price of TUC Leadership (1961) is a serious criticism of the TUC by the General Secretary of another large trade union. It contends, among other things, that the TUC bore responsibility for Labour’s defeat in the 1959 General Election, and for the decline in the influence and effectiveness of the trade union movement. It also criticises the leadership and its public relations, and covers the part played by the union in the de-nationalization of the steel industry.

    1. TUC: A Minority Movement  2. TUC: Its Public Relations  3. TUC: Its Relations with Congress  4. TUC: Its Relations with the Membership  5. Architects of Defeat  6. Discrediting the Nationalization  7. Conditioning the Electors  8. An Unprecedented Pledge  9. 1952 Margate Congress  10. TUC Leadership Ignores 1952 Congress Mandate  11. 1953 Isle of Man Congress  12. 1954 Brighton Congress  13. Labour Sustains its Second General Election Defeat  14. 1956 Brighton Congress  15. 1957 Blackpool Congress  16. 1958 Bournemouth Congress  17. 1959 Blackpool Congress  18. The Big Six  19. The Blackpool Inquest  20. Can TUC Leadership Change or be Changed?  21. Shop Stewards


    Bryn Roberts