1st Edition

The Railwaymen Volume 1: The History of the National Union of Railwaymen

By Philip S. Bagwell Copyright 1963
    740 Pages
    by Routledge

    740 Pages
    by Routledge

    Originally published in 1963, The Railwaymen recounts the struggle of the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants from its foundation in 1872 until the first national railway strike in 1911 to gain recognition from the companies and a reduction in the excessive hours of labour and the scandalously high accident rate among railwaymen. Two chapters recall the decisive role of the union, through the Taff Vale and Osborne cases in shaping the modern labour movement. Founded through the merging of three unions in 1913, the NUR crossed swords with Lloyd George in the railway strike of 1919 and with Baldwin and Churchill in the general strike. It led the railwaymen through two world wars, helped shape the transport act of 1947 and, after 1951, thought for the re-establishment of an adequate system of public transport.

    1. Before the Days of the Union 2. The Foundation of the A.S.R.S 3. The Struggle for Survival 4. A Chapter of Accidents 5. 1887-91 – The Fight for The First National Programme 6. Inquest on Overwork 7. The All-Grades Campaign of 1897 8. The A.S.R.S. and the Labour Party: Taff Vale 9. The A. S. R. S. and the Labour Party: The Osborne Case 10. The All-Grades Movement of 1906-7 and Its Outcome 11. The Railway Conciliation Scheme of 1907 12. 1911- The First National Railway Strike 13. The Foundation of the N.U.R. 14. The First World War 15. 1919 – The ‘Definitive’ Strike 16. The Railways Act, 1921 17. The Railwaymen and the Miners – The General Strike 18. 1927-33: Backs to the Wall 19. Uncertain Recovery, 1934-9 20. The Second World War 21. The Labour Government and the Transport Act 22. The Transport Act 1953 and Its Aftermath.


    Philip Bagwell was a British labour and transport historian.