1st Edition

The Rise of Our East African Empire (1893) Early Efforts in Nyasaland and Uganda (volume 2, of 2 vols)

By Lord Frederick J.D. Lugard Copyright 1893

    First published in 1968. This is the second volume of the rise of the East African Empire as recounted by the author. This volume looks at Uganda and includes chapters on the past and future administration.

    XXII: Sketch of Early History of Uganda, and Position of Affairs on Arrival There; XXIII: Preliminary Work in Uganda. 1; XXIV: Difficulties In Uganda; XXV: Difficulties in Uganda; XXVI: War Against Mohammedans, and Tour in Buddu.; XXVII: Buddu to Salt Lake.; XXVIII: Salt Lake to Kavalli's.; XXIX: Kavalli's to Fort Lorne.; XXX: Fort Lorne to Fort Grant.; XXXI: Fort Grant to Kampala.; XXXII: Uganda Under Captain Williams—Situation at End of 1891, and Up to Eve of the War.; XXXIII: The Fighting in Uganda.; XXXIV: Situation in Uganda During the War; XXXV: Events Subsequent to the War.; XXXVI: Peace Concluded with the Wa-Fransa.; XXXVII: Settlement of the Country.; XXXVIII: Mohammedans Repatriated—Peace Throughout Uganda.; XXXIX: Close of my Administration in Uganda— March to Kikuyu.; XL: Kikuyu to England—the “Uganda Question.”; XLI: Retention of Uganda.; XLII: Origin of the “British Sphere,” and Methods of Dealing with it.; XLIII: Administration Past and Future.


    Lord Frederick J.D. Lugard