2nd Edition

The Routledge Handbook of Tourism Geographies

Edited By Julie Wilson, Dieter K. Müller Copyright 2025
    460 Pages 11 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    The Routledge Handbook of Tourism Geographies, 2nd Edition offers a comprehensive re-evaluation of the recent developments, conceptual, theoretical, and empirical debates, and critical issues in this field of study.

    Reflecting on and building from its original aim of rethinking geographical approaches to tourism, the volume explores contemporary tourism contexts and concepts, as marked by the present era of polycrises, setting out renewed and reoriented perspectives on tourism geographies into the mid-2020s. Across its diverse range of contributions, the Handbook navigates the complexities of tourism as a shifting construct, situating tourism geographies within the socio-spatial, economic and environmental implications of tourism, leisure and mobilities in the new contexts of global change, ecological transition and digital transformation. The volume aims to provide a nuanced and detailed analysis of established and emerging discourses and debates within tourism geographies, underscoring the field’s inherent criticality and ideal positioning for understanding and catalysing complex global and local scenarios in contemporary tourism, leisure and mobilities.

    Written by leading scholars in the tourism geographies field, this text is an invaluable resource for students, researchers and scholars working in the areas of tourism, geography and related disciplines, encouraging dialogue across areas of study.

    Part 1. Introduction

    1. Keeping Pace with the Evolution of Tourism Geographies within Space, Place, Society and Environment

    Julie Wilson and Dieter K. Müller


    2. The Tourism-Geographies Nexus

    Dieter K. Müller and C. Michael Hall


    3. Geographies of Tourism and Development: Facing 21st Century Challenges 

    Rita de Cássia Ariza da Cruz


    Part 2. Critical Geographies of Tourism

    4. Critical Theories and Sustainable Tourism Futures

    Paolo Mura and Sarah Wijesinghe


    5. Tourism and Degrowth: Beyond the Capitalist Growth Imperative 

    Macià Blázquez-Salom, Ivan Murray,  Robert Fletcher, Filka Sekulova,

    Asunción Blanco-Romero and Ernest Cañada


    6. Alterity, Mobility and Territory: Conceptualising Tourism Space in a World in Flux

    Dominic Lapointe


    7. Assemblage Tourism Geographies 

    Helen Briassoulis


    8. Critical Studies of Gender Equality and Sustainable Development in Tourism Geographies

    Xu Honggang and Fan XiaoJun


    9. Tourism, Place, Space and Queer Sexuality

    Gustav Visser   


    10. Performativity, Space and Tourism

    Gunnar Þór Jóhannesson


    11. Embodied Encounters in Tourism Geographies Research 

    Phoebe Everingham, Pau Obrador and Hazel Tucker


    Part 3. Place Perspectives on Tourism Geographies

    12. Landscape Perspectives on Tourism Geographies 

    Theano Terkenli

    13. Place Making and Unmaking in Tourism

    T.C. Chang


    14. Rural Creative Tourism Geography for Community Revitalisation

    Meng Qu


    15. Geographies of Festival and Event Spaces and Places

    Bernadette Quinn


    16. Tourism and Urbanisation Processes: Towards an Encounter between Tourism Geographies and Urban Theory?

    Mathis Stock and Valérian Geffroy


    17. Historical Geographies of Tourism and Heritage

    Dallen J. Timothy


    Part 4. Sustainability Transitions in Tourism Geographies 

    18. Sustainability and Geographies of Tourism

    Jarkko Saarinen


    19. Geographies of Tourism and the Anthropocene

    Edward H. Huijbens


    20. Tourism and Socio-ecological Systems: A Geographical Approach

    Rannveig Ólafsdóttir and Anna Dóra Sæþórsdóttir


    21. The Changing Geography of Tourism in a Climate-Disrupted World

    Natalie L. B. Knowles and Daniel Scott


    22. The Footprint of Responsibility in Tourism Destinations: The Role of Governance

    Dora Papatheochari, Spiros Niavis and Harry Cocossis


    23. Regenerative Tourism in the Making: Reflections About an Emerging Frontier for Tourism Geographies

    Loretta Bellato, Niki Frantzeskaki and Christian A. Nygaard


    24. Political Ecologies of Tourism: Key Issues and Research Prospects

    Jarkko Saarinen and Sanjay Nepal


    Part 5. Digital Transformation, Platform Economy and Tourism Geographies

    25. Digital Tourism Geographies

    Maartje Roelofsen


    26. Geographies of Exclusion in ‘Smart’ Tourism Places: Towards a Critical Research Agenda

    Antonio Paolo Russo and Josep Antoni Ivars Baidal


    27. Anxiety, Fear and Violence: Capitalist Configurations and the Surveillance of Tourism Spaces

    Katie D. Dudley


    28. The Platform Economy as a Game Changer for Tourism Geographies

    Egbert van der Zee       


    Part 6. Geographies of Tourism Mobilities

    29. Tourism and (Im)mobilities: During and Post-Pandemic

    Maria Thulemark and Tara Duncan


    30. Digital Nomadism and Tourism Mobilities

    Olga Hannonen


    31. Tourism Mobilities and Urban Change: Geographies of Transnational Gentrification

    Franz Buhr and Agustín Cocola-Gant


    32. The Messiness of Tourism and Transportation Geographies

    David Timothy Duvall and John MaCilree


    33. Time Geography and Tourism

    Noam Shoval 


    Part 7. Economic, Entrepreneurship and Business Perspectives on Tourism Geographies

    34. Hidden in Plain Sight: Evolving Geographies of Business Innovation and Tourism

    Tim Coles


    35. Making Sense of Tourism Entrepreneurship as the Nexus between Entrepreneurs and their Spatial Environment

    Dimitri Ioannides and Jonathan Yachin


    36. Tourism and Economic Geography: An Evolving Agenda

    Dimitri Ioannides and Patrick Brouder


    Part 8. Challenges for the Future of Tourism Geographies Education

    37. Toward Strategy Development for Tourism Geographies Education using TOWS Matrix

    Velvet Nelson


    Part 9. Conclusions

    38. Tourism Geographies for the 2020s

    Dieter K. Müller and Julie Wilson         


    Julie Wilson is Associate Dean for Research and Associate Professor in the Faculty of Economics and Business Studies at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC), and the current Chair of the Tourism, Leisure and Global Change Commission of the International Geographical Union (IGU). Her research interests focus on the analysis of tourism impacts and the socio-spatial transformation of urban/rural landscapes, the role of culture and creativity in the generation of new forms of sustainability in tourism, geographies of the platform economy and evolutionary economic geography as interpretative frameworks for sustainable tourism topics.

    Dieter K. Müller is Professor of Human Geography, Umeå University Sweden and a former chair of the IGU Commission of Tourism, Leisure and Global Change. His research addresses the geographies of second homes and the relationship between tourism and regional change in northern peripheries. Furthermore he has an interest in the institutional development of tourism geographies.

    “Twelve years after the first Handbook, leading researchers from around the world have compiled an impressive update on research trends in tourism geographies. Key geographical concepts such as space, place, environment, sustainability and mobility provide a powerful framework for examining a wide range of issues related to tourism. The innovative and comprehensive approach will help us to imagine a more diverse, socially and environmentally just world of tourism.”

    Professor Carolin FunckHiroshima University, Japan

    “Global travel is radically affecting places, people and ecosystems. The new Handbook is not just an update of the original text from 2012, but a comprehensive and much-needed sequel which provides critically evocative perspectives on tourism-related transformations in the Anthropocene.  The Editors have curated a compelling collection of original and theoretically novel contributions to uncover the contemporary geographies of tourism and mobilities. This is a much welcome volume pushing the boundaries of tourism social science.”

    Dr. Szilvia GyimóthyCopenhagen Business School, Denmark

    This new Handbook of Tourism Geographies delivers a rich, authoritative collection of cutting-edge chapters by leading authors in the field. It provides a contemporary perspective on the development and future of the field and is a must have reference book for researchers, teachers and students of tourism geographies. It will become a classic in its field.”

    Professor Chris CooperSchool of Events, Tourism and Hospitality Management, Leeds Beckett University, UK