1st Edition

The Selected Works of Margaret Oliphant, Part I Volume 3 Literary Criticism 1877-86

Edited By Valerie Sanders Copyright 2011

    Margaret Oliphant (1828-97) had a prolific literary career that spanned almost fifty years. She wrote some 98 novels, fifty or more short stories, twenty-five works of non-fiction, including biographies and historic guides to European cities, and more than three hundred periodical articles. This is the most ambitious critical edition of her work.

    Part I: Volume 3 Literary Criticism, 1877-86 Introduction From Blackwood's Magazine 1877-9 ‘New Books 20’ (February 1877) ‘Harriet Martineau (April 1877) ‘The Opium Eater’ (December 1877) ‘New Books 21’ (March 1878) ‘New Books 22* (June 1878) ‘Two Ladies’ (February 1879) ‘Hamlet’ (April 1879) ‘New Books 23’ (July 1879) From Frasers Magazine 1880 ‘The Grievances of Women (May 1880) From Blackwood's Magazine 1880 ‘New Novels’ (September 1880) From Macmillans Magazine 1881 ‘Thomas Carlyle’ (April 1881) From Blackwood's Magazine 1882-3 ‘Recent Novels’ (March 1882) ‘Democracy (May 1882) ‘American Literature in England’ (January 1883) From Good Words 1883 ‘Anthony Trollope’ (February 1883) From the Contemporary Review 1883 ‘Mrs Carlyle’ (May 1883) From Blackwood's Magazine 1884 ‘Three Young Novelists’ (September 1884) From the Spectator 1884 ‘Are Women a "Represented Class"?’ (November 1884) From the Edinburgh Review ‘The Life and Letters of George Eliot’ (April 1885) From the Spectator 1886 ‘Hurrish’ (January 1886) From Blackwood's Magazine 1886 ‘New Novels’ (December 1886)


    Volume Editor Valerie Sanders