1st Edition

The Soviet Secret Police

Edited By Simon Wolin, Robert M. Slusser Copyright 1957

    The Soviet Secret Police (1957) depicts the main aspects of the development, structure and functions of the secret police of the Soviet Union. Much of the information contained within comes from the personal testimony of Soviet citizens who had experienced various activities of the secret police, and forms a full and objective study of the secret police and its role in the Soviet system.

    Part 1. The Evolution of the Soviet Secret Police  1. The Cheka, 1917–1922  2. The GPU and OGPU to the Death of Dzerzhinski, 1922–1926  3. The OGPU under Menzhinski and Yagoda, 1926–1934  4. The NKVD, 1934–1938  5. The NKVD and NKGB, 1939–1945  6. From the End of World War II to the Death of Stalin, 1945–1953  7. The Developments Since Stalin’s Death, 1953–1956  Part 2. The Secret Police as Viewed by Former Soviet Citizens  8. Feliks Dzerzhinski: Creator of the Cheka and Founder of ‘Chekism’ Konstantin Shteppa  9. Structure and Functions of the Soviet Secret Police E.A. Andreevich  10. Structure and Conditions of the Soviet Organs of State Security After World War II V.P. Artemiev and G.S. Burlutsky  11. Investigative Methods of the Secret Police A. Grigoriev  12. The Armed Forces of the Soviet Organs of State Security V.P. Artemiev  13. The Protection of the Frontiers of the USSR V.P. Artemiev  14. Personnel, Conditions of Service and Training in the Border Troops V.P. Artemiev and G.S. Burlutsky  15. Internal Activities of the Soviet Organs of State Security After World War II V.P. Artemiev and G.S. Burlutsky  16. Postwar Activities of the Soviet Organs of State Security in Western Europe V.P. Artemiev and G.S. Burlutsky


    Simon Wolin and Robert M. Slusser