1st Edition

The Soviet Union in the Third World Successes and Failures

Edited By Robert H. Donaldson Copyright 1981
    472 Pages
    by Routledge

    472 Pages
    by Routledge

    The Soviet Union in the Third World (1981) analyses Soviet objectives in the developing world, the instruments of foreign policy employed and their success and failure, the implications of Soviet foreign policy for the international system in general and the US foreign and defence policies in particular. Twenty leading specialists examine Soviet involvement in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia, and discuss the subject from both security and economic perspectives.

    Part 1. The Soviet Union in Latin America  1. Soviet Power in Latin America: Success or Failure? W. Raymond Duncan  2. The USSR, Cuba, and the Revolution in Chile Paul E. Sigmund  3. The Soviet–Cuban Relationship: Symbiotic or Parasitic? Gabriel Marcella and Daniel S. Papp  Part 2. The Soviet Union in Africa and the Middle East  4. The Soviet Union and Southern Africa Daniel S. Papp  5. The Soviet Union and Angola Arthur Jay Klinghoffer  6. Soviet Policy in the Horn of Africa: The Decision to Intervene Richard B. Remnek  7. Soviet Policy in the Middle East: Perspectives from Three Capitals Alvin Z. Rubinstein  8. Soviet Policy Toward Ba’athist Iraq, 1968–1979 Robert O. Freedman  9. Changes in Soviet Policy Toward Iran Robert G. Irani  10. Gauging Soviet Success in Africa and the Middle East: A Commentary David E. Albright  Part 3. The Soviet Union in Asia  11. The Soviet Union in Afghanistan: Benefits and Costs Shirin Tahir-Kheli  12. The Military and Security Dimensions of Soviet–Indian Relations M. Rajan Menon  13. The USSR and Vietnam Douglas Pike  14. The Soviet Union and ASEAN Thomas L. Wilborn  15. On Soviet Asian Policy: A Commentary Thomas W. Robinson  Part 4. The Context and Instruments of Soviet Policy  16. Soviet Muslim Policy: Domestic and Foreign Policy Linkages Edward A. Corcoran  17. Soviet Policy Toward the Developing World: The Role of Economic Assistance and Trade Roger E. Kanet  18. The Second World, the Third World and the New International Economic Order Robert H. Donaldson  19. The Effectiveness of Soviet Arms and Diplomacy in the Third World Roger F. Pajak  20. Soviet Involvement in the Third World: Implications of US Policy Assumptions Keith A. Dunn  Part 5. Summary and Conclusions  21. The Soviet Union in the Third World: Successes and Failures Joseph L. Nogee


    Robert H. Donaldson