1st Edition

The Stationers' Company A History, 1403–1959

By Cyprian Blagden Copyright 1960
    326 Pages
    by Routledge

    The Stationers’ Company (1960) examines the corporate existence, under one name or another, of the Stationers’ Company over five hundred and fifty years. At some periods of its life it was of importance only to its own members, while at others it played parts of consequence in the history of the City of London and even in the history of England.

    1. The Charter – and Before  2. The Early Stationers and their Governance  3. The Company in the Reign of Elizabeth I  4. The Company and the Monopolists  5. The Life of a Stationer  6. The Stocks  7. Growth, 1603 to 1641  8. Civil War  9. The Company in the Reigns of the Later Stuarts  10. Corporation and English Stock Finances  11. The Property  12. The Company in the Eighteenth Century  13. Signs of Old Age  14. The Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers


    Cyprian Blagden

    ‘An absolute delight, a rare and valuable contribution to our understanding of work and grass roots trade unionism.’ – Observer

    ‘A remarkable work of industrial sociology.’ – The Times Literary Supplement