1st Edition

The Suburban Apartment Boom Case Study of a Land Use Problem

By Michael Denning Copyright 1968
    188 Pages
    by Routledge

    188 Pages
    by Routledge

    With an increase in urban crises arising from a growing population and rising affluence, and the inadequacy of conventional theories to predict the future states of the environment, Resources for the Future laid out a series of studies on the resource base of the urban environment. Originally published in 1968, this particular study examines the increase of apartment construction in the suburb including the extent of construction and the factors behind construction such as population demographics, highway construction and national and local land use policy. Neutze makes comparisons of U.S. metropolitan areas to draw conclusions on new policies which the government should consider in relation to the urban land market. This title will be of interest to students of Environmental Studies.

     1. Introduction  2. Some Reasons for the Apartment Boom  3. Apartments in the Suburbs  4. Apartments on the Suburban Fringe  5.Comparisons between Metropolitan Areas  6. Land Use Decisions and Imperfections in the Land Market  7. An Optimal Role for Government in the Urban Land Market  8. The Effects of Non-Optimal Public Policy  9. Summary


    Max Neutze