1st Edition

The Successful Occupational Therapy Fieldwork Student

By Karen Sladyk Copyright 2002

    The Successful Occupational Therapy Fieldwork Student is a stimulating new book that paves the way to the profession of occupational therapy. This book fulfills the needs of all OT and OTA students throughout their entire education by fully preparing them for their fieldwork assignments. This is an imperative learning tool for all students since all curricula include Level I and II fieldwork requirements, ranging from the associate’s level to a master’s program.

    This complete fieldwork book contains a wide array of topics that guide the reader from the initial planning steps to the completion of successful fieldwork, including how to design fieldwork as a supervisor. It provides students with the opportunity to not only assess various situations, but also utilize their knowledge to demonstrate clinical reasoning. A multitude of activities are included from the first page to the last, designed to groom students for their fieldwork.

    The Successful Occupational Therapy Fieldwork Student is the ultimate resource for OT/OTA students and the clinicians who educate them, providing a wealth of information while allowing for clinical reasoning to occur. This one-of-a-kind book contains unique features that will prove beneficial to students at varying degrees of education.


    Each chapter includes activities and assignments for students to complete as they prepare for fieldwork. The text is filled with real-life fieldwork student cases. The text teaches how to prevent problems that can occur, as well as how to fix them when they do.


    Section I Introduction

    Chapter 1 Purpose and Process of Fieldwork

    Chapter 2 Learning Objectives for the Fieldwork Experience

    Chapter 3 Professional Behaviors

    Section II Finding the Right Match

    Chapter 4 Learning Styles

    Chapter 5 Knowing Yourself

    Chapter 6 Choosing the Right Fieldwork Sites

    Chapter 7 Getting Organized

    Chapter 8 Work All Day, Homework All Evening

    Section III Supervision

    Chapter 9 Teams and Teamwork

    Chapter 10 Supervision

    Chapter 11 Fixing Fieldwork Problems

    Chapter 12 Dealing with Withdrawal or Termination

    Section IV Transitions

    Chapter 13 Transition Models

    Chapter 14 Studying for the NBCOT Exam During Fieldwork

    Chapter 15 Developing Your Professional Portfolio

    Chapter 16 Writing a Résumé and Interviewing

    Chapter 17 Professional Development

    Chapter 18 Supervising Your Own Students

    Appendix A Important Contact Information

    Appendix B Internet Resources



    Karen Sladyk, PhD, OTR, FAOTA

    “I would recommend this book to any student preparing to begin fieldwork and I believe it would be an excellent resource for academic and clinical fieldwork educators who are helping students to prepare for entry in the field.”